It was the opportunity to discover a new part of Ireland and catch up with Mab :-).
The weekend was a blast !
I was pretty tired after a long week at work, but it was very sunny on Saturday and the fresh air in my lungs felt really good ! We took it easy on Sunday and I got back to Dublin around 7 pm.
Clonmel is a quiet town in county Tipperary. Known for Saint Patrick's Well and, of course, for a very famous cider! Yay \o/ Bulmers is produced in Clonmel and on my way in, I saw a "small" brewery on the right.. Being an absolute fan of Bulmers, I was delighted ;-p
Recently, we got a lot of rain and wind. We had few storms, and a big part of the south was flooded. I noticed it straight away on my way to Clonmel.
I found myself thinking that the river was lovely and big, when suddenly I realized that there was a fence in the river ... Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it means it was actually not the river. The banks and many fields were flooded.
Anyways. I took picture for you guys. Let's have look :
For the first two pic, I was on the bus, which explains the poor quality.
Saint Patrick's Well on a Saturday afternoon
It is said that the water is good for the lower part of your body (feet and legs). The upper can find another place to be cured, Na !
Let's enter the remains of the old monastery:
On our way to the lake:
After the walk, we went back home, got changed and Mab's lovely housemate drove us into town. Mass, McDonald's and pub to meet few friends of hers.
Sunday morning. Breakfast. Pancakes. ♥
Return with Bus Eireann: 21.80€, booked online. 3hrs30 each way.
From Busaras, 2 min from Connolly Station to Clonmel RailStation.
From Clonmel RailStation to Heuston Station, Dublin.
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