jeudi 13 septembre 2012

Welcome in Ireland

 Departure from France.
C'est encore très doré.

Arrival in Ireland.
La mer., les nuages très bas.

Il paraît que l'herbe est plus verte dans le pré d'à côté (The grass is always greener on the other side).
Bah en Irlande, c'est tellement vrai !
Il m'a suffit de comparer l'herbe sur les deux tarmac. 
Très jaune à Beauvais, très vert à Dublin.

Welcomed by my housemate Mike, who has understood that it's not always easy to arrive in a new country. He did not want me to be too lost. Bus number 16, and after train direction Maynooth. (bonne grosse retouche bien moche)


 National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
North Campus, St Patrick's College.


Maynooth University is composed of two campuses. The South Campus, which is the oldest; and the North Campus, which is newer. Everything is made in order that student feel great and welcomed. As the international students as the Freshmen (first year in college).
St Patrick's College (picture) was an old seminary. There are several chapels on the campus.

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